

Aries: Aries

Taurus: Taurus

Gemini: Gemini

Cancer: Cancer

Leo: Leo

Virgo: Virgo

Libra: Libra

Scorpio: Scorpio

Sagittarius: Sagittarius

Capricorn: Capricorn

Aquarius: Aquarius

Pisces: Pisces


Aries Ram 白羊座

Taurus Bull 金牛座

Gemini Twins 双子座

Cancer Crab 巨蟹座

Leo Lion 狮子座

Virgo Virgin 处女座

Libra Scales 天秤座

Scorpio Scorpion 天蝎座

Sagittarius Archer 射手座

Capricorn Goat 摩羯座

Aquarius Water Bearer 水瓶座

Pisces Fishes 双鱼座




白羊座 (Aries):

The energetic and spontaneous Aries is known for their strong will and unwavering determination. They are bold, ambitious, and always up for a challenge.

金牛座 (Taurus):

The reliable and practical Taurus is a true lover of life. They are known for their calm demeanor, unwavering loyalty, and love for the finer things in life.

双子座 (Gemini):

The intelligent and sociable Gemini is always up for a lively conversation. They are known for their quick wit, adaptability, and ability to effortlessly connect with others.

巨蟹座 (Cancer):

The compassionate and intuitive Cancer is known for their deep emotional nature. They are nurturing, protective, and create a cozy and loving home environment.

狮子座 (Leo):

The charismatic and confident Leo leads with style. They are known for their exuberant personality, natural born leadership qualities, and infectious enthusiasm.

处女座 (Virgo):

The organized and efficient Virgo is a perfectionist at heart. They are known for their logical thinking, attention to detail, and unwavering pursuit of excellence.

天秤座 (Libra):

The diplomatic and charming Libra values harmony and balance. They are known for their fairmindedness, social grace, and ability to see both sides of an issue.

天蝎座 (Scorpio):

The intense and passionate Scorpio is known for their secretive nature and penetrating gaze. They are passionate, loyal, and fiercely protective of those they love.

射手座 (Sagittarius):

The adventurous and optimistic Sagittarius is always ready for the next adventure. They are known for their love of freedom, thirst for knowledge, and ability to find joy everywhere they go.

摩羯座 (Capricorn):

The ambitious and disciplined Capricorn is a master of selfcontrol. They are known for their perseverance, strong work ethic, and unwavering determination to achieve their goals.

水瓶座 (Aquarius):

The independent and original Aquarius is known for their unconventional thinking and humanitarian spirit. They are often aloof but value their friends deeply.

双鱼座 (Pisces):

The imaginative and compassionate Pisces is known for their dreaminess and empathy. They are artistic, intuitive, and have a profound connection to the spiritual world.


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